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How to outsmart an IPX

benro2's picture

This really happened. You simply walk down a hallway, into a computer room, then walk behind the IPX on the way out. This particular IPX, known unofficially as Fuzz, turned the wrong way on the way out, 30 seconds after we’d walked in.

I could have walked in the other (correct) direction and outsmarted that IPX.

Werd. True story.


Fuzz's picture


My sense of direction is impeccable, I must say. I did the same thing once in a game of need for speed. One of those chase mode dealies, where you’re the cop, and a car flies past you in movie sequence. You have to drive out onto the road and turn the way the car went and chase them…. first attempt, off I go and turn right.

Edit: at this spammy rate you’re gonna have more Svalbards than most of us…


U outsmarted Fuzz but not IPX gotta be better than that

if you

like through ipx you can find some weird shit

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